Thank you, Black Sheep Gathering! June 29, 2016 12:00

Huckleberry Knits at the Black Sheep Gathering

Thank you, volunteers and wonderful customers and vendor friends, for a great weekend at Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, OR. So many happy people, so much great fiber inspiration, so many friends new and old! 

I'm slowly coming back down to reality, working to get fiber club ready and shipped. You may notice that the online store is rather empty right now, as I took down most of my listings for the duration of the show.

I will be taking inventory on Friday and adding things back into the store, as well as new items once I put my photo studio back together (it's been buried for several weeks by yarn, since it shares storage space with my show inventory). I'll post notifications to my mailing list, Facebook group, and Instagram feed, if you'd like to join any of those.